Ezra Johnson - "It's Under the Thingy" reviewed in ArteFuse

Ezra Johnson has unveiled his latest collection of paintings, sculptures, animation, and other installations for his debut exhibition titled It’s Under the Thingy at Freight & Volume gallery in Chelsea.

The works in this show bring out Johnson’s dynamic and innovative approach that he delivers to his intriguing creations. He uses a wide variety of materials to capture this energy.

Perhaps the most intriguing installation in this show is the installation 3 Shelves of Dish Cloths in which several colorful ceramic slabs resembling sponges are lined up in rows along shelves. Johnson’s inspiration for this piece came from viewing a sculpture of three kitchen sponges. He re-created these forms by twisting and contorting them to give them unique shapes, which he then glazed and fired. According to Johnson, these unusual sponges are meant to make an amusing statement on the hard work and effort one must apply in life.